Choosing roses for the garden
There are many different types of roses to choose from for the garden. There are climbing roses that bloom once a season, from about mid-June to mid-July. These summer-flowering rose varieties often get beautiful rose hips later on. There are also so-called continuous bloomers, which are roses that bloom from June until well into the autumn. A rambler is a very strong growing climbing rose. So think about what kind of rose you want before you buy one. Below you can read more about all types of roses, so that you can choose roses for the garden.

What types of roses are there?
Roughly speaking, there are these different types of roses. Read more about the different types of roses below.

large-flowered roses
Spray roses and miniature roses
shrub roses
English roses
climbing roses
Historic roses
Botanical roses
Roses on stem

Choosing roses for the garden There are many different types of roses to choose from for the garden. There are climbing roses that bloom once a season, from about mid-June to mid-July. These summer-flowering rose varieties often get beautiful rose hips later on. There are also so-called continuous bloomers, which are roses that bloom from…

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